Sunday, September 16, 2018

Is it that People are afraid of fear of failure or is it fear of success?


Is it that People are afraid of fear of failure or is it fear of success?

Recently I have come to wonder and ask myself and I am sure there are many people who wonder to themselves if there are fearful of failure or if they are afraid of success.  In all honestly there are many people that are afraid of failing in life from their careers, families etc and some have a fear of success how can one-person handle success?

Overcoming fear and surviving success

According to Erick Erickson describes human development as a series of stages, each is focused on achieving success in a different aspect if life (verywellmind, 2017).  I have been told by so many times that in order to achieve success you must first experience failure because all the challenges and obstacles and failures that you go through in your life will only become stronger and wiser from the first experience of failure you get to learn more about yourself as a person and as a career person what makes you thick, what are your strengths and weakness. In my perspective I think some people are afraid of success is because there is a lot of pressure that comes along with it some people feel that they need to be perfect but it’s also okay to make mistakes along the way.
    First you must always remain positive even in your darkest hour take time to relax, do other activities and always refresh your brain.

1.           Set Goals
By progressing it’s important to set your goals by constantly learning something new about how to successfully for instant launch a product. Go for training, networking and also attend seminars and conferences are important you get to meet people and exchange ideas.

2.          Visualize Your Obstacles

Research has been done and showed that it’s always good to visualize your obstacles so as to see how you can overcome your obstacles.  According to Forbes (2017) Research has shown that the best outcomes are created when we balance our minds with positive thinking by visualizing the future obstacles and struggles that we might encounter later in the future.  For example think of a situation in which you are afraid of failure. You must allow yourself to feel the fear of failure like maybe getting fired think of what you can do next or maybe your project is not going as well as you think it is think of how you can improve it. Take time to breathe and relax and think of how you can overcome whatever obstacle you are facing.

To sum up it’s important to ask yourself powerful questions and see how you can improve yourself. Stand firm and be strong and always be yourself.  Remember it’s not the end of the world.

·      What did I learn from this experience and situation?
·      How can I grow as a person from his experience?
·      What are the positive things about this situation?

  Blandina K Malinzi 

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